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Raising poultry is a great activity in sustaining your family’s needs. Fresh poultry products are naturally healthy and a wonderful source of nutritious proteins and vitamins. Healthy birds from Mt. Healthy Hatcheries is the right way to start! We can help you with all of your needs, from day old Chicks to growing Pullets and finally to producing Hens. Each stage of life requires different feed and care. Chickens are flock birds so we recommend a minimum of 4 to six birds for a home flock. Your Hens should start laying between 18 and 21 weeks of age with good care and nutrition. Products including brooder lamps, bedding, electrolytes, starter feeds, feeders, and waterers are stocked here for you.
Our growing Cornish Rock Cross breed is the most popular, fastest and most efficient meat chicken on the market. Proper nutrition is a must for these birds. They typically reach 6 to 8 lbs. In 8 weeks. Freedom Rangers are well suited for more natural rearing methods. Including free range or organic. They are a slower growing breed with lighter weights at processing. Our store is licensed and inspected by the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food to buy and sell live poultry. One more step in ensuring a safe and healthy product. Radio Grove is here to help you in every step of the way.