Alphaline® Advantage 24:24 Milk Replacer provides a high plane of nutrition for very young calves, calves in extreme climates, and breeds with higher energy needs. Features the ProHealth™ Package.
Alphaline® Advantage 24:24 Milk Replacer Advantages
Features the ProHealth™ Package:
MOS: a yeast extract prebiotic to develop and support a healthy gut microbiome and increase nutrient absorption.
Elevated MCTs: Higher levels of medium chain triglycerides allow for maximum energy to be quickly allocated to growth and development.
Probiotics: Increase the digestibility of the diet for improved growth, and stabilizes the beneficial gut flora.
Tributyrate: Supports gut development and health
Oregano Oil: Offers antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antifungal activity
Milk Protein: for maximum protein digestibility and utilization by the calf.
Organic Trace Minerals: for optimum bioavailability.
b-Glucan: A natural prebiotic that promotes the innate immune system’s ability to fight pathogens.
Balanced Fatty Acid Profile: Broader source of energy for growth and optimal weight gain. Mimics whole milk profile for more efficient utilization.
Bovatec®: For control of coccidiosis, and improved rate of gain and feed efficiency.
Clarifly®: Seasonally added to help decrease fly populations by stopping them in their larval stage.
Superior Mixability: Protein encapsulated fats provide unique technology for superior mixing, and improved fat digestibility for increased performance.
(Bovatec® is a trademark of Zoetis, ClariFly® is a trademark of Wellmark International)